What Makes a Wedding Extra Special? Your Loved Ones Around You


The most important aspect of any wedding is the guests; having your closes friends and family around you to celebrate with you makes it all the more special!

You’re going to be dancing all night with your guests, enjoying your biggest day with them and they’ll be in basically every picture so choosing you gets an invite to your wedding and who doesn’t is an extremely crucial part of the wedding planning.

We know your parents probably have a huge list of people they “absolutely must invite” which throws off your entire guestlist numbering but we’ll give you a guide on how to come to the right decision if you’re unsure whether you want to invite someone or not.

First off, we recommend you make a preliminary list with just your partner. 

Don’t get the parents involved, just go through your Facebook and Instagram and try to write down everyone you’d like to spend your special day with!

This will give you a preliminary number of invitees and then you’ll be able to decide just how many invitations you’ll let your parents send to their friends and acquaintances. 


It’s time to make the call about children!

So many couples don’t want kids around and prefer an adult only celebration and that’s fine! But you have to decide beforehand and let the guests know so they arrange their baby-sitters!


The plus one dilemma

Let’s be real, no one likes having random plus ones at your wedding but sometimes, you have to invite your friends +1’s or else the situation gets a bit sensitive so make your decision on who you want to allow a +1 and who you don’t and let them know in a personalized message!

If you’re struggling with deciding on certain people, think of the following questions as your guideline:

1.     Have I met this person before?

2.     When was the last time I saw and engaged with this person?

3.     Is this person a positive influence in my life?

4.     Would I be upset if this person couldn’t make it to my big day?

If you’ve answered yes to most of them then its probably an obvious easy yes to adding them to the list!

Wedding guestlists are hard and complicated to do but with these tips, we hope we’ve made it a bit easier for you to decide!

For more tips to help your wedding preps,
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